In 2021, we finally hit the BIG 20! The key highlight for the year was the celebration of our 20th anniversary, launched under the theme, “20 years of promoting good health and gender equality through sustainable interventions; a foundation for the future.” We are proud to have celebrated this alongside the Global Fund, which also marked its 20 years of existence.
Looking back on the year, COVID 19 has affected many national and global health targets and has
negatively affected the gains we have made. HFFG contributed to the federal HIV/AIDS response through
most of our projects, with a high priority on young people living with HIV (YPLHIV). These projects
include USAID The Care Continuum project, the UNFPA Out-of-School project, the UNESCO SRHR
project and the UNAIDS Solidarity Fund project. For the second time in a row, HFFG is implementing the
Global Fund CSS project as a Sub-Recipient and other key projects: the Ghana Somubi Dwumadie project
for persons with disabilities, including people with mental health conditions. HFFG also won the TB
Challenge Facility grant with National TB Control Program as a partner. This report also highlights some
of our key projects that ended in the year and achieved results.